Who or What is a Hypnosis Enthusiast?
There is no formal definition of an “Hypnosis Enthusiast.”
Obviously, a professional hypnotherapist or a person who is a student undergoing training as a hypnotist would be considered as ‘hypnosis enthusiast.’
A hypnosis enthusiast could also be someone, who has success with hypnosis, for example; to quit smoking, lose weight, or cope with a phobia, such as a fear of flying, or a fear of spiders or snakes.
But in this case, we’re going to consider an enthusiast as someone who has an interest in hypnosis and may have even dabbled in putting people into a hypnotic trance.
One of the things many people don’t understand is that hypnosis is both a science and an art. There are many people who have a solid understanding about hypnosis, but are not good hypnotists.
Ironically, an example of this could be Sigmund Freud, who started off using hypnosis with his patients, and his lack of success developed the concept of ‘free association’ instead.
If you are a hypnosis enthusiast, how did you learn to do hypnosis and what motivated you to try? Did you watch a stage hypnotist, was fascinated by the show and copied what you saw? Or have you read a book on the subject and found a willing volunteer?
Do you think you might have what it takes to be a good hypnotist?
If you have done little or no formal training why not do this free 5 day online introductory course?
Learning hypnosis might sound like a long and difficult task, but hypnotizing someone is actually surprisingly simple.
If you want to learn hypnosis online, this short course describing the use of voice tonality, sentence structures and word choice can teach you the fundamentals of how to do hypnosis fairly quickly.
If you have the knack, as well as the introductory hypnosis course, there are three other courses; about self confidence, how depression works and stopping panic attacks.
In fact any hypnotherapist or hypnosis student would also benefit by these courses.
Why not find out more today?