Hypnosis has indeed unlocked many secrets behind the mystery that is the human mind and there are indeed several stages one must be aware of.
Although many people believe that hypnotists possess mysterious powers that allow them to a control subject and have them do their every bidding, but the truth is that a person has every means to break off from that hypnotic state.
There are many and varied hypnosis programs and processes, but almost all follow a similar pattern.
Hypnosis is generally broken down into three stages, which for therapeutic purposes, is the are the most common ones adopted for therapies and treatments to a number of problems from breaking the smoking habit, pain and anger management, even alcohol and substance abuse.
The initial or first stage is known as the superficial trance, which is characterized as the lightest stage of hypnosis where a subject is still consciously aware of his surroundings and environment.
This is the stage which is most often used to treat patients with behaviors that need to be corrected like smoking and addiction.
The subject, during this stage, can accept suggestions relayed by the hypnotist, but the subject has the freedom to accept it or not.
The next stage is considered as the alpha stage, which is a deeper level of hypnosis, most often used to control or treat pain.
This is the stage when a deeper relaxation is achieved and breathing begins to slow down and the heart pressure and rate also follows suit.
The last and third stage is the deepest among the hypnotic stages and is often used by hypnotherapists to go deeper and access the innermost thoughts where memories of past events and forgotten emotions are stored in the subconscious mind.
This is the most helpful process where psychiatrists are able to treat patients with severe psychological trauma.
If one would try out hypnosis as therapy or treatment, here are some tips to consider before considering hypnotism.
First, make sure to get hold of a reputable and licensed hypnotherapist, who are authorized to conduct treatments and therapies using the process, since there are a large number of fly-by-night and unlicensed practitioners plying the trade who could cause more harm than good.
So better watch out for these unscrupulous individuals or parties.
Make sure to check out credentials and don’t be afraid to ask for details or information regarding their practice, since you will be placing your full confidence and turst in them when they try to explore into your mind.
Do take note that hypnosis may not work for everyone, especially with those individuals who are skeptical or do not subscribe to the idea of hypnotism.
Hypnotism is a state of mind and mental conditioning and if somebody is not decided or determined to place full confidence in the practice, it is likely that hypnosis will not have an effect on him.
If a person who wants to go through hypnosis but may be suffering from a psychiatric condition or taking medication for a psychiatric problem, he or she must not go through the hypnosis process without seeking for permission or approval from his or her psychiatrist.
Hypnotism is a critical and delicate process, which must be handled carefully by a licensed and experienced practitioner.
And now that you are aware of the various stages of hypnosis, you may be able to find out which one is best suited for a particular condition.